Create a new Secret named db-credentials with the key/value pair db-password=passwd.
Create a Pod named backend that defines uses the Secret as environment variable named DB_PASSWORD and runs the container with the image nginx.
Shell into the Pod and print out the created environment variables.
You should find DB_PASSWORD variable.
It’s easy to create the secret from the command line. Furthermore, execute the run command to generate the YAML file for the Pod.
$ kubectl create secret generic db-credentials --from-literal=db-password=passwd
secret/db-credentials created
$ kubectl get secrets
db-credentials Opaque 1 26s
$ kubectl run backend --image=nginx --restart=Never -o yaml --dry-run > pod.yaml
Edit the YAML file and create an environment that reads the relevant key from the secret.
参考官网: secret
Create a Pod named secured that uses the image nginx for a single
container. Mount an emptyDir volume to the directory /data/app.
Files created on the volume should use the filesystem group ID 3000.
Get a shell to the running container and create a new file named logs.txt in the directory /data/app. List the contents of the directory and write them down.
Start by creating the Pod definition as YAML file.
Create the Pod and log into the container. Create the file in the directory of the volume mount. The group ID should be 3000 as defined by the security context.
$ kubectl create -f secured.yaml
pod/secured created
$ kubectl exec -it secured -- sh
/ # cd /data/app
/ # touch logs.txt
/ # ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 root 3000 0 Mar 11 15:56 logs.txt
/ # exit
4. Defining a Pod’s Resource Requirements
Create a resource quota named apps under the namespace rq-demo using the following YAML definition in the file rq.yaml.
Create a new Pod that exceeds the limits of the resource quota requirements. Write down the error message.
Change the request limits to fulfill the requirements to ensure that the Pod could be created successfully. Write down the output of the command that renders the used amount of resources for the namespace.
First create the namespace and the resource quota in the namespace.